Saturday, 31 March 2018

javascript - Why substring does not handle negative indices?

substr() handles negative indices perfectly but substring() only accepts nonnegative indices.

Is there a reason of not using substr in favor of substring? The usage of negative indices are so useful in a lot of cases by viewing the space of indices as cyclic group. Why substr is indicated "deprecated" by MDN?


substring is when you want to specify a starting and ending index. substr is when you want to specify a starting offset and a length. They do different things and have different use cases.

To better answer the exact question of
Why substring does not handle negative indices?

substring specifies a starting and ending index of characters in a string. substr deals with a starting offset and a length. It makes sense to me that substring does not allow a negative index, because there really isn't a such thing as a negative index (the characters in a string are indexed from 0 to n, a "negative index" would be out of bounds). Since substr is dealing with an offset vs an index, I feel the term offset is loose enough to allow for a negative offset, which of course means counting backwards from the end of the string rather than forward from the beginning. This might just be semantics, but its how I make sense of it.

Why is substr deprecated?

I would argue that is in fact not deprecated.

The revision history for the substr MDN states the deprecation notice was put in based on this blog post:

Aug 16, 2016, 12:00:34 AM
add deprecated mention per

Which states that the HTML string methods are deprecated (which they should be!). These are methods that wrap a string in an HTML tag, ie, "abc".sub() would return abc. The blog post lists out all of the HTML string methods, and imho, erroneously includes subtr as an HTML string method (it isn't).

So this looks like a misunderstanding to me.

(Excerpt below, emphasis added by me)


The infamous “string HTML methods”: String.prototype.anchor(name), String.prototype.big(), String.prototype.blink(),

String.prototype.bold(), String.prototype.fixed(),
String.prototype.fontcolor(color), String.prototype.fontsize(size),
String.prototype.small(), String.prototype.strike(),
String.prototype.sub(), String.prototype.substr(start, length), and
String.prototype.sup(). Browsers implemented these slightly
differently in various ways, which in one case lead to a security
issue (and not just in theory!). It was an uphill battle, but
eventually browsers and the ECMAScript spec matched the behavior that
the JavaScript Standard had defined.

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