Friday, 30 June 2017

In Go, if type T2 is based on type T1, is there any sort of "inheritance" from T1 to T2?

If type T2 is based on type T1, other than sharing the same data fields, is there any relationship between T1 and T2?

package main
import "fmt"

type T1 struct { s string }

func (v *T1) F1() string { return v.s }

type T2 T1
func (v *T2) F2() string { return v.s }

func main() {
var t1 = T1{ "xyz" }
var t2 = T2{ "pdq" }
s0 := t2.F1() // error - expected ok
s1 := ((*T1)(&t2)).F1() // ok - expected

s2 := ((*T2)(&t1)).F2() // ok - not expected
fmt.Println( s0, s1, s2 )

My understanding here is lacking

  1. was hoping that T2 would inherit T1's methods, but such is not the case.

  2. was expecting T2 could be coerced into T1, since it was derived from T1

  3. was surprised that T1 could be coerced into T2, but so it is.

  4. it seems that the relationship between T1 and T2 is completely symmetrical - I cannot find anything that breaks the symmetry despite the fact one is actually derived from the other - or is this an illusion?

(NOTE: I am not criticizing or judging - I entirely respect decisions made - just verifying I understand what is there that for me is counter-intuitive - I'm sure I'm not the only one!)


Go does not support object-oriented type inheritance.

Is Go an object-oriented language?

Why is there no type inheritance?

A method is bound to a single specific type.

A method declaration binds an
identifier to a method. The method is
said to be bound to the base type and
is visible only within selectors for
that type.

You can convert between types T1 and T2.

A value x can be converted to type
T [when] x's type and T have
identical underlying types.

For example,

package main

import (

type T1 struct{ i int }

func (t T1) String() string { return "T1" }

type T2 T1

func (t T2) String() string { return "T2" }

func main() {
t1 := T1{1}
t2 := T2{2}
fmt.Println(t1, t2)

c1 := T1(t2)
c2 := T2(t1)
fmt.Println(c1, c2)
t1 = T1(c2)
t2 = T2(c1)
fmt.Println(t1, t2)

T1 T2

T1 T2
T1 T2

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