Thursday, 29 June 2017

java - Android get text from html

I get a special html code:

< ;p > ;This is < ;a href=" ;" ;> ;a test link< ;/a> ;  and this is & ;nbsp;a sample text with special char: & ;#233;va < ;/p> ;

(There isn't space before ; char, but if I don't insert space the stackoverflow format it)

It's not a normally html code, but if I paste in a empty html page, the browser show it with normal tags:

<_p_>This is <_a_ href="">a test link<_/a_> and this is  a sample text with special char: éva <_/p_>

This code will be shown in a browser:

This is a test link And this is a sample text with special char: éva

So I want to get this text, but I can't use Html.fromHtml, because the component what I use doesn't support Spanned. I wanted to try StringEscapeUtils, but I couldn't import it.

How can I replace special chars and remove tags?

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